Financial Terms and Conditions
Institute of Psychosexual Medicine Payment Terms and Conditions
Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully. By clicking acceptance on an IPM payment and/or registration form, you are agreeing to the terms below:-
- General
- Training fee payments should be made via the subscriber area on the IPM website or via BACS.
- Subscription payments should be made by Direct Debit.
- The IPM does not accept cheque payments.
- Introductory Training Courses – Payment Terms and Conditions:
- Payment to attend Introductory Courses must be made in advance via an online payment form.
- Payment from Trusts to attend Introductory Courses will only be accepted at the time of registration via the online payment form as in (1.1) above. The IPM will not otherwise accept payments from Trusts or other Third Parties to attend Introductory Courses.
- Introductory Course cancellation: The viability of a course and whether it goes ahead is based on the commitment made at registration. Cancellations up to 28 days before the event will be fully refunded; cancellations between 28 and 14 days before the event will be entitled to a 50% refund; cancellations up to 14 days before the event will not be refunded.
Travel Cancellations:- In the event that transport modes are cancelled/re-scheduled due to weather or other constraints beyond the IPM's control, the IPM cannot accept responsibility, and is unable to refund attendees' event or travel costs.
- Regular Seminars – Payment Terms and Conditions:
- Fees are due 14 days from date of invoice and should be paid in advance of the current term. Trainees will not be allowed to continue onto the next term if the previous term’s fees have not been paid.
- The full term’s fees are due regardless of whether a trainee attends one or all Seminar sessions.
- Trust Payments:- The IPM will accept Trust payments for Regular Seminar Training only. However, the trainee is accountable for all fees, regardless of whether the Trust is paying or not. It is the responsibility of the trainee to provide the IPM accounts department with contact details (both for themselves and their Trust if relevant) and to keep IPM accounts informed of any changes.
- Trust Payments:- If a Trust has agreed to meet the cost of fees, and payments are late, it is the responsibility of the trainee to contact the Trust and chase payment. The trainee must keep the IPM accounts department informed. If the Trust exceeds payment of 30 days, the trainee must make payment to the IPM and then claim internal reimbursement.
- Attendance Certificates will not be issued where fees are outstanding.
- Fee payments must be paid in full prior to sitting IPM Examinations.
- Diplomate Subscriptions must be paid in full prior to sitting the Membership Examination.
- Taster Sessions - Prospective trainees may attend one taster session at the discretion of the Seminar Leader. There will be no charge for a taster session providing it is the only session attended by the trainee in that term. If the trainee decides to continue, they will be charged for all sessions remaining in the term, including the taster. ‘No charge’ Taster session will not count towards cumulative training hours required to sit the Diploma Exam.
- Diplomates who do not want to continue training towards Membership, can attend one seminar per term. This would normally be with the same Leader, and at their discretion. It is only open to Diplomates who have paid their Subscription fees.
- Event payments/Cancellations:
- Payment to attend IPM events will be collected via the IPM website.
- Payment from Trusts to attend IPM events and conferences will only be accepted if paid in advance via the IPM website using the online payment form or event application form as in (4.1) above. The IPM will not otherwise accept payments from Trusts or other Third Parties to attend Events. If this is not possible, event attendees must pay and claim back through internal processes.
- Delegate Cancellation:- Cancellations up to 28 days before the event will be fully refunded; cancellations between 28 and 14 days before the event will be entitled to a 50% refund; cancellations up to 14 days before the event will not be refunded.
Travel Cancellations:- In the event that delegates are unable to attend the event because flights or other transport modes are cancelled/re-scheduled due to weather or other constraints beyond the IPM's control, the IPM cannot accept responsibility, and is unable to refund delegates' event or travel costs.
- Subscription payments - please note the IPM is a subscription based, not-for-profit organisation:
- After passing the Diploma Examination, trainees continuing to Membership are expected to pay an annual subscription - see website for current rate. Diplomates will not be granted re-certification if subscription payments are outstanding – see separate Recertification Policy
- After passing Membership, Members are expected to pay an annual subscription - see website for current rate. Members will not be granted re-certification if subscription payments are outstanding. See separate recertification policy.
- The IPM offers a reduced rate for retired members. To qualify, members must not be undertaking Psychosexual work (either private or NHS). They must not be teaching/training/examining/ lecturing in Psychosexual Medicine and will be asked to complete a brief questionnaire to confirm this.
- Subscriptions must be paid by direct debit on 1st November annually.
- Examination Fees
- Examination Fees must be paid via the online application form and payment link.
- Payment of Examination Fees by Trusts will only be accepted if paid in advance via the online application form as in (6.1) above. The IPM will not otherwise accept payments from Trusts or other Third Parties for Examination Fees.
The Institute of Psychosexual Medicine is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and to processing your personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and other applicable privacy laws.
IPM Payment Terms and Conditions – February 2024