Course Objectives:
To recognise overt and covert presentations of psychosexual problems in everyday practice
To identify and then progress to using important moments in the Practitioner/Patient Relationship, both spoken and unconscious to throw light on the patient's problem
To define and use the feelings which arise in the psychotherapeutic genital examination to help understand the psychosexual problem
Understanding of psychoananlytical principles, eg defences and how they help the practitioner and patient form an understanding of the problem.
To be aware of the patient's and practitioner's feelings during the consultation and to know where these feelings are coming from
To help the patient find his/her/their way to move towards a solution for the difficulty
Participants: Suitable for doctors (GPs, GUM, O&G, sexual and reproductive health, dermatology, psychiatry, urology), AHPs (nurses, physiotherapists, health advisers and others working in sexual health).
Participants should have some experience of working with patients with sexual difficulties and whose role includes physical examination of patients.
Affiliation to a regulatory body required
Attendance at an IPM Introductory Course essential (the hours attended are carried over and are included in the Regular Seminar training hours requirement to sit the Diploma Exam)
A good command of the English language
Course Structure: Three terms per year, each consisting of 12 training hours. This may be face to face or virtual.
Duration: If participants wish to sit the Diploma Examination (DIPM) and become a Diplomate of the IPM, a minimum number of 48 hours' training is required over six terms, i.e. approximately two years. Additional requirements also need to be met and these include a 20 hour face to face requirement* and also 24 training hours must be attended in the year prior to sitting the exam. Candidates should refer to the Exam Guidelines for further information.
As our training is skills-based, there is not a fixed duration to our Regular Seminar Training and participants can dip in and out of training if required (training hours requirements must still be met which include 24 training hours prior to sitting the exam). Diplomates may then decide to continue training and work towards the Membership Examination (MIPM). This requires approximately a further two years' training.
*From the June 2025 Diploma Examination, there will be a requirement that at least 20 hours of the total counted will need to come from Face to Face (F2F) meetings. See Examinations for more details.
Benefits of becoming a DIPLOMATE (DIPM)
Diplomate (DIPM) Subscribers (those that have passed the Diploma Examination):
are allowed to use the Diploma qualification in the workplace and form part of the appraisal and recertification process
are invited to become a Trustee, to sit on the IPM Council and are able to vote on Trustee Proposals
are invited to dedicated training days
are invited to recertify every five years
see psychosexual cases under supervision
continue training to sit the Membership exam in order to practice independently
Benefits of becoming a MEMBER (MIPM)
Member (MIPM) Subscribers (those that have passed the IPM Membership Examination) receive all the above plus:
are able to practice independently and promote their psychosexual clinic(s) on the specialist clinics section of the IPM website
attend Peer Supervision Groups with fellow IPM Member peers
Training Fees working towards the Diploma Exam (DIPM):
Doctors: £280 per term
Allied Health Professionals/non-medics: £220 per term
Training Fees after passing Diploma and working towards Membership Exam (MIPM):
Doctors and AHPs: £260 per term*
*Please note, from January 2025 fees will increase to £280 per term.
Please note, we are not able to offer concessionary rates.
Location: Our Regular Seminar Groups are based throughout the UK and Ireland. To find a group near you click here.
Subscription: Subscription to the IPM is free during training until passing the Diploma exam. Diplomates (DIPM) and Members (MIPM) are requested to pay an annual subscription which is due on 1st November and is paid by direct debit. Read more about subscriber benefits here.
CPD Certificate: CPD certificates will be available at the end of each term, downloadable from your subscriber portal on the website.