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Common Problems

Common Problems

Difficulties with sex can affect any of us at any time of our lives. They are more common than you might think as people are understandably reluctant to talk about them.

IPM trained professionals deal with the following problems commonly in their day-to-day work:

For further information see the NHS website.


Patient Testimonials

‘I am not even sure why I agreed to be referred. After 20 years of pain, repeated infections, surgery and being poked and prodded by countless doctors I had totally given up on having a partner and any form of sexual relationship.

..the tiniest step was so hard, and that I was afraid to hope and be disappointed again. 

Not just disappointed but I didn’t want to go back to a world of pain where I couldn’t wear jeans and even sitting hurt. The emotional pain of trying to find a relationship when I couldn’t have sex, or so I thought.

With patience, kindness, listening, advising and suggesting to me she has earned my trust. Trust that at first was so fragile that I managed the tiniest things. These baby steps led to a little more and a little more. After 18 months of seeing X every few months my life is transformed. I have a lovely boyfriend and with the support and guidance of X, I have managed to have physical relationship with him. It has been like growing up all over again.’

‘I suffered from vaginismus for many years. Two babies through self-insemination and c sections later I have finally managed to overcome the problem with help from Dr. X (who I have been seeing only for the last 4 months’

A patient who regretted conceiving through assisted conception and delivering by Caesarean because no help was on offer before

'After 2 years of suffering and looking for the correct diagnosis and having seen several specialists, I was finally recommended X (Psychosexual Specialist). Her knowledge, approach and most of all respect, kindness and great compassion made all the difference. I was no longer a number or an interesting case. She has literally changed my life and made the immense pain and discomfort to be manageable. I no longer live in constant pain. She also helped me to get pregnant without going through IVF route.'

After 10 years of suffering with pain and distress, being misdiagnosed and made to feel like my problems were my fault, I was given an answer with the first 5 minutes of my chat with the doctor and practical human solutions that I had not been given before. This is such a valuable service that should not be underestimated.

When I meet with Dr X, she provided me with tools and techniques to manage some of the issues I am facing both physically and emotionally. It is the first time I have had a health professional provide expert and supportive advice to help me manage my condition and the mental effects of my condition. My mental health and relationship with my partner has been drastically improved. Having this support has been invaluable.

The best service I have accessed through the NHS.